Thursday 3 May 2012

A Waste of Good Paper by Sean Taylor

Jason has behavioural difficulties and so has to go to a special school. There he is given a private journal to write in which he quickly dismisses as "a waste of good paper" because thinks he has nothing to say. As it turns out it doesn't prove to be a waste of good paper and he does have a story to tell, a good one.

His story has some light and some heavy stuff going on in it. Mainly the time when he's in school is the light stuff with a lot of banter going on between the kids. Then there is the heavy stuff which takes place at home where Jason witnesses drug taking and suffers from violence, quite graphic violence involving burns which you may not normally expect to see in a children's book. With all this going on it's no surprise he has behavioural difficulties. It is quite a gritty storyline so it is a relief to have the light entwined with the heavy to hopefully take some of the edge off.

The typeface is made to look like handwriting and it is done on lined paper to add to the journal. And I don't know that the title is the best title of a book in the world; it might put preconceptions in your head.

Overall this is not a waste of good paper and is a thoroughly good book. 

(I got this book through Amazon Vine. It is listed on Amazon here.)

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