Sunday 30 December 2012

Bond on Bond by Roger Moore

Who better to provide an insight into James Bond, and we are talking about the movie James Bond in particular, than one of the actors to have played James Bond? Well maybe all six of them but instead you'll have to make do with just Roger Moore's version of the story. Obviously that means that his films have the best coverage (and Daniel Craig's probably the least), with some good anecdotes in amongst the facts. It also means that you'll have to make do with Roger Moore's writing style, which is a little bit like his James Bond style of being light-hearted and jocular, but fine by me.

There are a number of chapters here, some better than the others. Obviously things like the villains, the girls, the cars etc are covered. The gadgets chapter wasn't necessarily the most interesting with bits being like reading a technical manual, but the chapters on the people, like the girls, or the insights into the filming schedule were much more entertaining. However, Moore being the gentleman, does keep some of the leading lady anecdotes anonymous.

There are glossy pictures throughout to accompany all the text and at the end you have pictures of all the posters from the films (up to Quantum of Solace) with the details of the films such as budget and takings.

Of course if you are an avid collector of Bond stuff you may have seen much of this before but for me it was a good Christmas present to read and look at.

This book is listed on Amazon UK HERE.

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