Tuesday 19 February 2013

Natalie the Christmas Stocking Fairy by Daisy Meadows

This book was a Christmas present for my 6-year-old daughter Natalie. She obviously loved it, not only because the star fairy in the book shared her name, but also because of the story.

The story follows friends Rachel and Kirsty and their adventures over one Christmas Eve. First they have problems making mince pies which leads them to chase some Goblins and they end up getting beckoned to Fairyland to meet Natalie the Christmas Stocking Fairy who has had three enchanted items stolen: a mince-pie, a stocking and a candy cane. Without these items there will be no mince-pies, no stockings and no sweets at Christmas. The girls then help Natalie to retrieve them.

The book is arranged into three parts which were written as three separate stories and then bundled together as one book, which leads to a little bit of clunkiness between the three parts but that is the only complaint really.

The rest of the book has everything little girls love: best friends, fairies, a fast-moving story of good versus evil, plenty of clear and simple pictures along the way to bring the text alive. It reminded me very much of the Secret Kingdom books I've been reading with my daughter too, so if you liked this you may want to check them out.

Anyway it is only right I give my last words of this review to my daughter Natalie: "The book was fun because Jack Frost was trying to destroy Christmas. He took the three items, but the goblins and Jack Frost didn't like them so gave them back to make Christmas good again. And the two girls, Rachel and Kirsty turned into fairies by magic."

(This book is listed on Amazon UK here.)

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