Wednesday 28 October 2015

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff

Book review: “Fates and Furies” in many ways is two books in one. The first "book", entitled Fate, tells the story of Lotto and Mathilde. You meet them at age 22. They are on a beach enjoying each others company having just eloped, their young love shining through the pages in this breezy intro.

However as their marriage goes through its course it isn’t always so breezy. “Nothing like having a wife who works herself to death to stifle the mood for love. Nothing like dying dreams, and disappointment.”

However always at the core of their story is a love of each other. But the marriage does end in tragic circumstances and thus “Fate” ends, back where it began on the beach, Lotto and Mathilde as they once were.

Then the second part of the book is “Furies”. Whereas the first part was from Lotto’s perspective, now you get to see things from Mathilde’s point of view, as she picks things up from where they were left off, with a lot of anger. She also fills the gaps in to the backstory because, as the blurb says, “every story has two sides”.

Altogether I enjoyed this book and the writing style, with unique style, like its use of square brackets for asides, and the bit-part characters with names like Freckles and Miniskirt. And, as I said, it is like two books in one so you get double the value. All-in-all then a good read.

Publication date: 17 Sep 2015

Available on AMAZON (Go check it out!)

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