Tuesday 19 January 2016

Electrigirl by Jo Cotterill and Cathy Brett

Book review: I got this book for my 9-year-old daughter (the book is aimed at 9+ but the material is suitable to read to younger children). I read the first couple of chapters to her and stopped for the day to read some more the next day. She obviously liked the story and wanted more so took the book off me and read the rest of it all in one sitting (probably takes 2-hours or so). She was really absorbed in it and even exclaimed audibly "Whoah!" at one point. What this means is she loved the book and as a consequence the book deserves a five-star rating.

I read it too. The main character is Holly Sparkes, a normal schoolgirl, who is approaching her 12th birthday. She is the narrator and sounds as you'd expect a smart girl of that age to sound like. But she gains magical electrical powers when she gets electrified. Her comic-loving younger brother loves her new superpowers and immediately installs himself as her mentor.

Meanwhile Holly's best friend disappears (the Whoah moment for my daughter) and Electrigirl, aka Holly, goes on a mission to find her, coming up against her "evil nemesis" Professor MacAvity along the way.

A proper adventure for girls (although boys would probably think it is cool too). It is part comic too with the dramatic scenes being drawn out comic-style. What better way to read about Holly getting hit by "weird green lightning" than by seeing it in comic form. This works well. And the characters are mainly female too - this book has some true girl power!

Publication date: 4 Feb 2016

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