Saturday 26 November 2016

The Secret Railway and the Crystal Caves by Wendy Meddour #bookreview

Book review: I got this for my nearly 10-year-old daughter to read. She says:

The story follows Ella and Leo as they attempt to return the incredible Crystallator (which is needed to open up the crystal caves again so they so they can be mined for fairy dust) to the High Chief of the Hob Goblins, Gripendulum, the leader of the Kingdom of Izzambard. 

When I was reading it I liked how the only way to get into Izzambard was if the time was 11.61. I didn't like Griselda, the evil character. I laughed when Leo tried to wake up the sleeping key and failed, and I was sad when Griselda's mechanical moles came to stop Ella and Leo. Also, it was a little hard to follow at first because I had not read the first book in the series.

I think this book is good for children the same age as me (nearly-10).

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