Saturday 27 April 2013

The Mystery of the Cliff-Top Dog (Animal S.O.S.) by Kelly McKain

This is a short tale of two girls rescuing a dog. 

Amy has moved to a new place, White Horse Bay. She meets Leah there when she goes for a pony lesson. They become friends after a moment of not getting on (which seems a bit odd when the two become friends and a series of books is based on them working together but nevermind).

A storm is brewing and the girls hear some whining from the cliffs. They find a dog who is “weak, cold, and in need of food and water” but they have to get down the slippery cliffs to get to him. Even then if they do get him they need to find his owners, and avoid some dog thieves. 

I read it with my 6-year-old (9 short-ish chapters over 7 bedtimes). She liked the pictures (her quote “the pictures were really nice”), and the story. There is the obligatory preview chapter of the next book in the series too, something that always happens in these type of books it seems just to bump up the page count and try and get you to purchase the next one.

Anyways, all’s well that ends well (which is more than can be said for this review).

I got this book through Amazon Vine. It is listed HERE.

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