Sunday 19 February 2012

John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Personal Success

I normally struggle with these self-help books. That's because in my reading time I don't like to concentrate too much on what I'm reading which is why I normally read fiction or non-fiction on a topic that I love. So I tried reading this book like a normal book and found that, as I expected, I was struggled with it. I changed my approach. There is simply too much to take in and reading it in the manner I had been meant I wasn't doing that. Instead I started to read it slower and consider what was on the page. In fact this book is ideal for this approach. You can dip in and out of it easily because each idea typically takes up only one or two pages. Also the way each idea is laid out, normally an opening quote followed by some description often including examples and more quotes with key points and bullets in boxes, helped me take in the key messages without as much difficulty as I expected. (In fact when I used the Amazon look inside feature before getting this book I thought that the layout was going to be beneficial to me.)

So under this new reading approach I did enjoy this book and did pick up a few tit-bits, like if I want to succeed in a particular field then I have to be fully committed. Naturally though this book doesn't guarantee you or me to succeed, after all they are just ideas and you can do with them as you wish. But I'm hoping that I am a better person because of it and that's all I can do.

(I got this book through Amazon Vine. It is available to buy here.)

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