Tuesday 28 February 2012

Livin' the Dreem: A Year in my Life by Harry Hill

Follow Harry through the year of 2010 where he has many escapades with his many showbiz pals, as well as his family - Mum, Uncle Bob, Dog and Nan. There are so many celebrities mentioned that there is a danger that this book might date quite badly in the future but I don't think Harry is that worried because he says (jokingly of course) that he is "fully aware that one day this book will be considered a hugely important historical document."

Now anyone expecting this to be a normal diary giving insight into Harry's private life and covering Harry's activities such as his time at TV Burp will be in for a shock. For others familiar with Harry Hill's stand-up they will know exactly what to expect in this spoof diary. This is silly and surreal turned up to eleven. Like Harry himself says, "everything in this diary actually happened. Only the facts have been changed."

There were a few mistakes I noticed reading through such as the monkey-hanging incident being attributed to Hull rather than Hartlepool and the disappearance of 31st May, but nothing to detract from the fun.

And fun it is, although not necessarily the constant LOL-type fun you'd get by watching Harry's comedy (after all laughter is best suited to a shared environment whilst reading is generally a solitary experience).

(This book is on Amazon here.)

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